Call for Symposia, Sessions & Workshops

Submissions for sessions, symposia, and workshops are now closed

We invite you to submit a proposal for an organized session or symposium (Google form) at SPNHC 2025 that reflects the work of SPNHC, and collections standards and best practices that contribute to our understanding and documentation of biodiversity. Organized sessions can be symposia, panel discussions, lightning sessions, and other formats whose primary purpose is to convey information and engage the SPNHC audience.  

We strongly encourage you to submit proposals that fit the conference theme:  Sustainable Futures: Challenges and Opportunities for Modern Collections.

Sessions may be open or closed to presentation submissions; we highly encourage diversity and inclusivity, and session ideas not explored during previous SPNHC conferences as well as follow-up discussions of sessions in Okinawa. Session proposers will be responsible for soliciting and coordinating presentations, reviewing, approving, and ordering abstracts for the session, and moderating the proposed session(s). At least one session organizer must be present, in person, at the meeting. Every symposium must have an abstract that will be published on the conference website. Session organizers and all presenters must be registered for the conference.  There will also be the typical open sessions to accommodate presentations not in a proposed session or symposium.


If you wish to host a workshop, please contact the conference organizers at for more information and to discuss options or with any questions. Workshop proposals should include the following information:

  1. Title of the workshop to publish on the website and add to registration
  2. A short summary of the workshop that we can publish on the website and add to registration that outlines what will be covered and the outcomes
  3. Length of workshop - half day, full day, # of hours
  4. Any caps on attendance - total # of attendees.  We will do our best to accommodate whatever you need
  5. Room setup - classroom style or other configuration 
  6. Any technology or other items that participants will need to bring with them
  7. Any technology or other infrastructure we would need to provide 

Calls for oral and poster abstracts will be announced in February once sessions have been finalized.

If your proposal is accepted, your session title and description will be posted on the SPNHC 2025 conference website.

Submission deadline:  January 10, 2025