Abstract submission guidelines

About the Program

The program for SPNHC 2025 will be composed of keynote presentations, symposia, lightning talks, Demo Camp, workshops, general sessions, and (virtual) posters. There will be three sessions running concurrently each day (except during the plenary). See the detailed session list https://spnhc2025.ku.edu/sessions. Submissions from virtual attendees and poster presenters must be pre-recorded and uploaded before the conference. Details regarding presentations will be distributed separately.

Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to welcome abstracts for the following presentation types: Oral Presentations and Posters. Oral presentations include 15-minute presentations in symposia and general sessions, 5-minute lightning talks, demos, and invited keynotes. Deadline 10 March 2025. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 10.

Online Submission Portal

We welcome your submissions for abstracts via the SPNHC 2025 conference platform on Oxford Abstracts.

Sign in or create an account with Oxford Abstracts. Use the link to access the submission form https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/76819/submitter (NEW). Note that event organizers will use this email to communicate with you about the conference and your abstract submission.

Access the submission formhttps://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/76819/submitter after signing in. As the submitter, you will be asked to fill out the following form fields. Responses to nearly all questions are required (*), although some fields within those questions may be optional. Where there are word limits, you are responsible for remaining within the guidelines. Please proofread your abstract carefully as reviewers cannot edit your abstract.

  • Title*
    • Enter the FULL TITLE of your submission.
    • There is a 20-word limit.
    • Please italicize taxonomic names as appropriate.
    • Do not use all upper case or terminal punctuation.
    • This will be used for printing in the final program.
  • Presentation type*
    • Choose either Oral or Poster.
    • Oral presentations include submissions to symposia, general, contributed, lightning talk, and keynote sessions.
    • Poster presentation will be in the form of physical posters hung on a wall in the venue with an alternate PDF version posted online in Oxford Abstracts.  Posters should be no larger than 36" x 48" and can be in either portrait or landscape format.
  • Session* 
    • Choose the session to which you will be submitting this abstract.
    • Find the session list https://spnhc2025.ku.edu/sessions
    • Sessions listed as [CLOSED] require an invitation from the session organizers to submit an abstract and have it considered for presentation during that session. All other sessions are open for abstract submissions. Restrictions apply only to abstract submissions, not attendance.
  • Authors and affiliations*
    • Enter the names of all authors in the order in which they should appear in the program.
    • Do not use all uppercase lettering on names.
    • The system only allows one author to be designated as the presenter.
    • Optional fields within this category include ORCID ID, Institution, City, and State.
    • You may include multiple affiliations for any author. Please make sure that affiliations from the same institution for multiple authors are entered in an identical manner.
    • Affirmation that the presenter will register for the conference
  • Abstract*
    • There is a 300-word limit on abstracts.
    • Please italicize taxonomic names as appropriate and spell out acronyms.
  • Use of Generative AI
    • This field may be left blank if no generative AI technologies were used to create this abstract.
    • Examples of such technologies include ChatGPT and Google Translate.
    • There are no penalties for such assists but they should be acknowledged.
    • The use of corrective technologies such as Grammarly or a spelling checker do not have to be listed (and are in fact, appreciated by the reviewers)
  • Funding program
    • This field is not required
    • If applicable, a short statement (30 word limit), may be entered about how your project was funded.
    • This will appear in the abstract book
  • All author approval*
    • This required affirmation confirms that the submitting author has provided the contents of the submission to all listed authors and that they approve of its submission for presentation at SPNHC 2025.
  • Permission to publish*
    • This required affirmation permits the organizers of SPNHC 2025 to publish this submission electronically or in hard copy (i.e., in the list of abstracts, program, and poster gallery) if it is accepted for presentation.

Press SUBMIT You may pause the completion of this form at any time but you MUST press the submit button to save and be able to return to it before the deadline. Pressing submit will generate an email about the status of your abstract submission, including a link to access it for revisions.

Modification of submission. You will be able to modify your abstract after submission up until the deadline of 10 March 2025 at 11:59 CST. Review of submissions will begin after that date.

Multiple submissions. If you wish to submit more than one abstract, please complete a separate form for each. Presenters may be limited in the number of oral presentations that may be accommodated due to scheduling.

Submission withdrawal. If you wish to withdraw your abstract, please contact spnhc2025@ku.edu.

Review Process and Notification

Each submission will be reviewed by a panel selected by the Program Committee, including at least one organizer from the session to which you attached your submission. Abstracts that are incomplete (i.e., not all * questions have been answered) at the time of assignment to reviewers will not be considered for presentation at the conference.

Reviews will take place between 11 March and 21 March 2025. Reviewers are not editors, but may elect to suggest minor changes to abstracts as required. They are unable to make any changes to your abstract, so please proofread your abstract carefully. The submitter will be notified by email regarding the outcome of their submission by 25 March 2025.

If your abstract is accepted, the presenter will need to register for the conference (deadline to be announced). Instructions for presentation and uploading of slides, posters, and pre-recorded videos will be announced after the deadline for submission of abstracts.


Please direct questions about abstract submission to spnhc2025@ku.edu.
First, contact the session organizer for permission to contribute an abstract to a closed session without a prior invitation.
Direct questions about the conference to spnhc2025@ku.edu.